Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guys vs Girls

why everyone says that guys are insensitive creatures? is it that gender stereotypes are so imprinted into our brains that we can never remove it forever?

gender stereotypes are beliefs about a characteristics that are associated with men and women. who suffers more under these gender stereotypes? men? or women? most would argue that women always get the end of the stick, that may be true, but to me, i feel that its those people at the ends of the gender bell curve, regardless of gender, that suffers the most.

most people say that guys are insensitive, and that they don't understand women at all. but that is not always the case. Not all men are insensitive, if that isn't so, then where does the acronym SNAG come from? for those people out there, SNAG stands for sensitive new age guy. these guys empathise for the women out there as they understand what they are feeling and waht they are going through, but often a time, women just say that guys don't understand them and that all men are the same. How sad can that be?

on the other hand, men think that all women should stay home and do the cooking, wash the laundry, look after the kids and all the other domestic stuff. now is the new age, i believe that everyone deserves a fair chance in everything. why is it that only women can stay home and the men cant? is it gender stereotype? or is it just plain male ego? hard to swallow, but guys, face it! your egos are bigger than anything else on the earth. ok, but i'm quick to add that not all men are like that. some wouldn't mind staying home and be househusbands (and i'm 1 of them!).

anyway, why is it that people have these kind of unhealthy stereotypes? would these stereotypes strain a relationship when it comes to that point of life? for me, personally, i feel that if everyone just communicate with each other, then things would be easier, life would be happier and everyone will live happily ever after. Ha! it only happens in fairytales...

so do we just carry on living with our gender stereotypes or do we change them to accomodate in this ever changing world? stereotypes are not easy to change, and it take a lot more effort and truth out there to make us change. but if we're exposed to more of each others thoughts, thing might be easier and that would be nice.


esther said...

I noticed that your post focused mainly on negative stereotypes. Well, there are also positive stereotypes. Although we probably will never be able to eradicate stereotypes that may cause us to make inaccurate impressions about others, it is nevertheless useful for sorting out huge chunks of information that we are exposed to in everyday life. I agree with you that communication is key to disposing of negative stereotypes. Often, people discriminate against others because of lack of understanding and negative assumptions about a certain group.

Me said...

yes, it is the sterotypes are making troubles! remember those video tapes about how the parents treat a kid with opposite dressing to their gender, who says man are not sensitive, they are even more sensitive than womens, it is just the whole world thinks man are less emotionally, they were not allow to cry, or they will be seen as sissy and they are always strong both mentally and physically. it is the time to change the world image now!!! for exmple, there is a entertaining company called Johnnes in Japan, it is the biggest company that produce male idol only! if you take a look at their artist, they are femanized and superisingly they are unconventionality popular in Japan. Gals in Japan think they are handsome they are man, they love them most when they are emotionally sensitive!!!! therefore, people is changing, stereotypes are also changing!